The top player from Japan in the online game Attack Families, also known as "Tackfam," is Fumiya Tomozaki. Despite having such a prestigious position, he struggles in his daily high school life due to...

7.00 7.14 633

Misato Kurihara has lived without the pleasure of having close friends or the experience of leading a routine life because she has stood out from others for the most of her life due to her extraordina...

6.50 6.80 529

Yoshida, a young, attractive salaryman, had finally worked up the confidence to admit his affections for Airi Gotou, his boss and lifelong crush. Sadly, he was ultimately turned down, so to drown his ...

7.40 7.29 510

Seven high school students who are well-known throughout the world for their extraordinary talents are the focus of the television series. They include Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister, as well as...

6.20 6.36 660

Hinako, who was raised as an orphan, is astonished to discover that she has a twin brother named Hikaru who is older than her. At Shishiku Academy, an all-boys school overrun with Japan's hardest offe...

6.60 6.44 549

The heroic team Freezing Sentai Gelato 5 is created, consisting of Fud Aikawa (Red Gelato), Hayato Jino (Blue Gelato), Misaki Jingji (Yellow Gelato), Daigo Todoroki (Green Gelato), Haru Arisugawa (Pin...

7.20 7.52 449

There was once a legend that revolved on two characters: the Black Prince of Darkness, symbolized by the Black Cat, and the White Maiden of the Sky, represented by the White Cat. At the same time, the...

5.60 5.35 416

Earth is invaded by a species of alien dubbed "Censor Bug." They try to wipe out humanity by stealing "H-energy." Retto Enj, a high school student, teams up with Kirara Hoshino, one of his childhood f...

5.40 5.75 459

In spite of their youth, Tsukasa Mikogami, Ringo Hoshi, Shinobu Sarutobi, Keine Kanzaki, Aoi Ichij, Prince Akatsuki, and Masato Sanada are extraordinarily talented high school students who are at the ...

6.20 6.39 802

Earth is invaded by a species of alien dubbed "Censor Bug." They try to wipe out humanity by stealing "H-energy." Retto Enj, a high school student, teams up with Kirara Hoshino, one of his childhood f...

5.40 5.75 537

Yoshida, a young, attractive salaryman, had finally worked up the confidence to admit his affections for Airi Gotou, his boss and lifelong crush. Sadly, he was ultimately turned down, so to drown his ...

7.40 7.29 644

High school student Fumiya Tomozaki, playing as "nanashi," is currently ranked first in the leaderboards of the well-known online game Attack Families. An outcast in society, he views Attack Families ...

7.00 7.14 530